How to install a wire mesh fence in farm
Farm fence must be functional, and it serves a variety of purposes. Farm fence can help protect livestock from moving outside a certain area. The different types of livestock fencing have different functions. Do you want create a wire mesh fence in farm by yourself? This type of wire mesh fence is relatively easy to install. Read the following content and keep some tips in your mind.
First of all, purchase some materials and tool and determine the position where you want to build your wire mesh fence, then dig a one foot deep hole for the wire mesh fence post.
Put the wire mesh fence post in the hole, keep the post straight and make sure it is down on both sides.
Fill the wire mesh fence hole with dirt or concrete. Keep your first wire mesh fence straight using a string line. Repeat this process to build another post. Tie the straight to each wire mesh fence post to keep them in a straight line.
You should dig a wire mesh fence post hole every 8 feet from one post to the other. Keep them in s straight line. Set your wire mesh fence post in the holes and ensure they are all in a straight line.
Remove your string flush with the top of your wire mesh fence post. Put your string level on the string, level it at the other end of your run.
Mark each wire mesh fence post using a pencil. Take your board nail flush with the marks on all your post. If there is any extra wire mesh fence post sticking above the top of your first fence, you should move it.
Walk to wire mesh fence post which you first installed. Measure down one foot from the bottom of your top board and tie your string there. Repeat this process until complete this task. Finally, you can paint your wire mesh fence coating.